INSTALL ======= 1. Obtain rpms: Get rpm either from upstream copr: :: dnf copr enable @copr/copr dnf install -y copr-backend copr-selinux 2. Configure Resalloc server for automatic VM allocation (either on the same machine, or other) :: dnf install resalloc-server Edit ``/etc/resallocserver/*.yaml`` files to configure. 3. Edit ``/etc/copr/copr-be.conf`` to reflect your setup. Look at example ``backend/conf/copr-be.conf.example``. 4. [Optional] Mount /var/lib/copr/results to the dedicated storage. This location is used to store and serve build results. 5. Enable and start backend processes :: systemctl enable copr-backend redis lighttpd systemctl start copr-backend redis lighttpd Side notes ---------- It may be useful to look how copr-backend is deployed at fedora@infrastructure using ansible: